By purchasing gold cardboard in multiple case quantities, you may get an even better price than what is displayed on our website. If the prices for bulk quantity or wholesale purchases are not listed on the site, please contact our Customer Service for an easy and simple discount request. Expect for bulk order discount, we provide holiday sales, first purchase discount and so on to giving fair pricing. You get the best customer service and product possible with our price.
NEW BAMBOO PAPER (HK) CO., Ltd has been providing high-quality duplex board gsm over the years. We mainly concentrate on the innovation of our products. NEW BAMBOO PAPER is mainly engaged in the business of velvet cardboard sheets and other product series. With the help of our skilled engineers, NEW BAMBOO PAPER what is black paper is designed with a variety of innovative and practical designs. It is made with a standard thickness within a specific tolerance. The product exposed to natural phenomena is not easily affected by temperature changes. It has passed the aging resistance test - the heat is applied for a certain period of time to check if there is any change. The product can achieve satisfactory drying of ink and varnish.
NEW BAMBOO PAPER attaches great importance to service quality. Please contact.