Please note that the requirements and a specific record of duplex board grey back factories could be offered. You [buyers] often want to establish partnerships with factories directly. There are numerous reasons: factory-direct pricing, acquiring a direct line of communication to the mill itself, and other benefits generally related to "cutting out the middleman". There are significant benefits that you buyers can realize by working with established trading businesses. Trading companies are positioned to develop longstanding relationships with the factories. This is important, as "guanxi" is essential to conducting business in China.

NEW BAMBOO PAPER (HK) CO., Ltd has been dedicated to manufacturing superior foam board paper. Various in styles, NEW BAMBOO PAPER's coated duplex board can meet the needs of different customers. Our professional team ensures that the product is flawless and trouble-free before leaving the factory. It successfully attracts attention in the trade fairs, such as Paperworld Middle East. The product, available at such a competitive price, is widely used in the market. The products have passed the SGS and REACH (SVHC) tests.

We sincerely hold the tenet of what is flocked velvet in mind when conducting business. Get price!