The instruction manual is always beside duplex paper board . If no such instruction manual is found, you are welcomed to contact us. Then an electronic version may be offered. The instruction manual is aimed at offering you detailed operation and installation info. If you find it hard to understand, video or other effective ways may be available based on the demand. NEW BAMBOO PAPER (HK) CO., Ltd is widely known as a reliable and professional foil cake board manufacturer. The foam board paper is one of the main products of NEW BAMBOO PAPER. The technology NEW BAMBOO PAPER duplex board gsm adopts is at the forefront of industry. The product features high surface strength that makes sure ink is effectively detached from the surface. The production technique of NEW BAMBOO PAPER foam grey board has been significantly improved by our dedicated R&D team. The product is highly praised for its recyclability.we provide reliable scheme with large roll of black paper. Call!
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