As duplex paper board becomes more and more popular in the market, its sales volume is also increasing. This product has excellent durability and reliability, which helps to win more praises from customers. Due to the excellent performance of our products and the the thoughtful service provided by our service team, its sales volume has been skyrocketing rapidly. NEW BAMBOO PAPER (HK) CO., Ltd has been widely known in the coated duplex board marketplace. The grey board is one of the main products of NEW BAMBOO PAPER. An innovative element is added into the design of NEW BAMBOO PAPER gray boards. It is water-proof and of premium folding resistance. As per quality, this product is strictly tested by professional persons. The product has good stiffness and bursting strength and can be made into different shapes.Where to buy rolls of black paper is regarded as NEW BAMBOO PAPER's market strategy. Get price!
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